LOVE MEAT. prioritize dignity.
again for the cowboys in the back: meatheads show meat love through dignity.
Jennifer Curtis of Firsthand Foods said it eloquently when she wrote, “using whole animals is about a core set of values…We acknowledge the care our farmers take to raise animals with dignity; we recognize the responsibility our processors carry for conducting a humane slaughter; we honor the animals whose lives were sacrificed to feed us. And in so doing, we are helping build an ethical food system of which we can all be proud.” Read more about Jennifer and Firsthand Foods’ journey here.
While whole animal butchery is a difficult journey, the nationally growing community is taking steps to decentralize our highly specialized industry and provide educational resources for consumers and practitioners.
Check back soon for more information on how to utilize our cows for bone broths, nutrient-dense liver treats, organ sausages, and oils for cooking and body use.